@ECHO off
msg * Hi
msg * Are you having fun?
msg * I am!
msg * Lets have fun together!
msg * you know what i like the park
msg * do you like the park?
msg * because i do
msg * do u know the park is nice
msg * i think i can sound like i dino can u?
msg * tehahahaha
msg * oh whoops wrong laugh
msg * i
msg * ment
msg * tehehehehehe
msg * now thant sound better
msg * why the heck are you still clicking and reading?
msg * oh well i guess we are togther thats what counds
msg * i forgot how to spell counds..
msg * can you spell it?
msg * oh well
msg * lets count how many times you have clicked the on button
msg * 23
msg * 24
msg * 25
msg * 26
msg * 27
msg * 28
msg * 29
msg * 30
msg * 31
msg * 32
msg * 33
msg * 34
msg * 35
msg * 36
msg * 37
msg * 38
msg * 39
msg * 40
msg * 41
msg * 42
msg * 43
msg * well thats as high as i can count
msg * as a error message think thats good
msg * do you thinks thats good?
msg * oh well who cares your SKREWED any ways
msg * i guess you wil have to love me untill i tell you how to get rid of me
msg * ok here it goes..
msg * now first..
msg * ahhhhhhhhhhhh in being eaten by a fat man!!
msg * no really! click on a few more times!!
msg * more...
msg * more.....
msg * more
msg * more...
msg * more...
msg * more....
msg * more...............................
msg * more.........................................
msg * more.............................................. ..
msg * whoof he ran awa after some girl that looked like a donut
msg * ok now where were we
msg * oh yeah i was about to tell you that i was kidding about telling you soo soon
msg * whoops thats was not ment to be typed..
msg * *slaps his hand* bad freaking hand!!!
msg * ok now to get off topic
msg * do you like chikcne
msg * well thats it guess i should get going now...
msg * ok to get rid of me first
msg * go to your desktop
msg * right click
msg * click new
msg * click short cut wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy at the top
msg * tpe in "shutdown -s -t 5 -c "hehehe im back" "
msg * you ahve to type exactly!!!!!!!!
msg * then click enter
msg * then click ok
msg * then double click on it and wala...
lol this one is annoying only way to get rid of it it shutdown and restart.
save as anything.bat
Never Ending Ok Message
Posted by Hackers Singson at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Get Unlimeted Access Download from Rapidshare
Here it is:
1. Copy and paste this code :
@echo off
echo ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /flushdns
echo ipconfig /release
ipconfig /release
echo ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /renew
on your note pad or any other text editor
2. Save the file as : and leave it on your desktop
3. Every time you download from rapidshare double click on it!
Posted by Hackers Singson at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Electronics Hacking Nokia Radar
Electronics - Hacking - Nokia Radar
Your Nokia cell phone can be programmed to pick up radar speed traps, when programmed your cell phone picks up the radar and alerts you on the message alert tone.
1. Enter your menu
2. Select settings
3. Select security settings
4. Select closed user group
5. Select on
6. Enter 00000
7. Press ok
8. Clear back to normal, within a few seconds your phone will display a radar sign with five zero's next to it. It is now activated.
Unfortunately only Nokia phones have this function. Cell info display needs to be de-activated. Settings -> Phone Settings -> Cell Info display
Each time you turn off your phone, or even each time you loose contact with your carrier, you´ll have to activate it again... It is done by steps 1 through 5, but the number (00000) will be already on the field as default. If you put the number 500 in the closed user group, and you go out of a store with detection ports thy will go off.
Firmware version:
*#51x0# or
View Serial No., Date Made, Programming Date, Repaired:
Thanks to Ben-Dov for this code
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Code:
Enhanced Full Rate (EFR):
*3370# to activate EFR. Makes calls sound better, but decreases battery life by about 5%.
#3370# to deactivate EFR
Half Rate Mode (HFR):
*4720# to activate HFR. Decreases call quality but increases battery life by about 30%.
#4270# to deactivate HFR.
Default Security Code:
Warranty Code:
*#92702689# [*#war0anty#] asks warranty code. You can then type a number of codes (Thanks to Mike Pfaff for these codes):
6232 - Display date of manufacture
7332 - Display date of last repair
7832 - Display purchasing date
9268 - Display serial number
37832 - Set purchasing date to MMYY
87267 - Confirm Transfer, Related to firmware upgrades
#746025625# says SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED or similar, depending on your SIM card. Newer SIMs have a feature called 'clock stopping' that allows the phone to save energy -- it is a kind of sleep mode for SIM cards. Not all versions of software support this. You cannot turn the SIM clock on and off, the phone will do it automatically if the SIM supports clock stopping.
Posted by Hackers Singson at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Admin Account Hack
@echo off
set asn=
:: undefine the %asn% environment variable
set /p asn= Do you still want to be admin (Y/N). then press "enter" when your done.
if {%asn%}=={N} goto :end
if {%asn%}=={n} goto :end
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set asn=
:: undefine the %user% environment variable
:: undefine the %pass% environment variable
set /p user= enter your admin name then press enter:
set /p user= enter your admin username then press enter:
if {%pass%}=={} goto :Misspass
@echo your username is: %user%
@echo your password is: %pass%
net user %user% %pass% /ADD && net localgroup Administrators %user% /ADD
@echo USER: %user%
@echo PASSWORD: %pass%
@echo 098538ts:
:: undefine the %pass% environment variable
set pass=
set /p pass= ADmin account name!:
goto :con
Save this file as admin.bat
Please say thanks if you like my post
Posted by Hackers Singson at 8:08 PM 0 comments